Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Sweet Isaac

We celebrated (for lack of a better word) another angel day this week. Monday marked two years since you've been gone and we would have buried you tomorrow. I miss you so much. I am still trying to figure out how to spend this day. This year it was spent curled up with Daddy watching one of our favorite tv shows. It's really not a day to celebrate, is it? Maybe. Those in heaven celebrated your return. But how do we celebrate our loss? Maybe 'honor' would be a better word. But how?
I am learning there are people in this world that are cruel. Twice now we have had things stolen from your grave. I'm learning that maybe it is not the best place to leave things for you. Some friends have given me the idea of having a garden at home for you. I'd like to try when we can get around to putting in a yard.
You would be two and a half now. I look at other kids your age and I just can't believe you would be that big. You are a baby and will always be. Your baby brother is starting to out grow you. I've been thinking lately how even though he will always be your little brother, when we get to raise you, he will be older than you. He will be the one to teach you how to catch bugs, kick a ball, flirt with girls, when it should be the other way around. It is a strange thought.
It doesn't matter how good things are going, there will always be something missing in our lives. You. We love you so much Buddy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jes...if there were only words to say. You are such a sweet thing. Isaac is VERY lucky to have you as parents. I can't imagine these days being easy. I doubt they ever will be. I LOVE the garden idea. I know a family that always does some big service project on the day they lost their little one. They do it in honor of her. I was actually thinking about you the other day and thinking we need to get together.
