Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dear Isaac

My Sweet Isaac,
Last sunday marked one year since you left this life and returned to our Father in Heaven. I miss you so much. You would be 19 months old today, but you will always be a little baby to me.
A week or so ago, I was in Walmart and saw these cute little cowboy boots. They were just about the size you would be wearing now. I could just see you wearing them and Daddy's cowboy hat, following him around the ranch feeding the lambs and riding the horses. Daddy would teach everything and you would want to be just like him.
I love you sweet boy. I know that you are okay and free from the pains you endured here, but my heart still hurts for you. My arms hurt to hold you. I want to smell you. And even though it sounds gross, I want to change your colostomy bag. I miss everything about taking care of you.
A year ago today, we laid your body to rest. It was a numb day for me, but today I feel the sadness. It's been a year since I could see you in more than a picture and I long to see you again. I want to see your smile most. It could brighten any day.
I look forward to the day that I get to hold you again. Once I get the chance, I don't think I will ever put you down again. I love you. Watch over us. Help us to know you are near.
Love always,


  1. I didn't want to bring it up when we were chatting the other day, but you have been in our thoughts and prayers the past week. My heart aches for you. We had a good cry for you as we read your letter to Issac.

  2. What a sweet letter to Isaac. I am sorry that he will never get to wear those cute cowboys boots.
    My heart has been aching for you as these dates are so hard. I wish there was a way to ease your pain, other than to let you know I care.

  3. What a sweet letter! It has me bawling my eyes out. My heart aches for you and your little family. I LOVE the cowboy boots. They are so cute. I hope you remember we pray for you often. {HUGS}

  4. I loved your letter. I got tearry-eyed reading it and thinking that he is only 6 months younger than CJ and they could have played together. You guys are so strong and handling this much better than I could have. At least we do have the gospel and you know that you will see him again. It was good to see you guys at CJ's party in June and sorry we didn't get much time to chat, but I love catching up with your family on the blog.
