Saturday, June 6, 2009

Summer Is Here!

Well I finally got those pictures posted like I promised. I am so happy that summer is here. I am going to buy passes to the swimming pool for me and the kids. The pool is only a few blocks away so I can get some exercise walking there and a great tan while they swim! Its a win win situation. Plus I am very excited for the mommy and me (or we, however you say it with more than one kid), time. It will give us some good bonding time. I am also taking on a lot of sewing projects this summer. Probably too many, I'm already feeling a little overwhelmed. It doesn't help that some of them I've had the material since last fall, and one I have had the material for two years and just never got around too it. Now its catch up time. Its funny how much of being a mom and homemaker feels like you're always playing catch up. The cleaning, the laundry, the scrapbooks. I've been homeschooling preschool with my kids and now its summer and we still haven't finished the alphabet. Wow! Oh well it'll happen when I "get more organized". (ha ha ha). But really I've seen moms who get done with the laundry, the clean, the cooking, sew all the clothes, scrapbooks are caught up, run kids to soccer, ballet, and piano lessons, go grocery shopping, visit every neighbor who is in need, attend the PTA meeting, vote, and still look like they had six hours to get their hair done, a makeover, manicure and a brand new outfit. I really think they have some special switch to pause time. One day though, I'll figure it out.


  1. I am also wondering how they (those super moms you mention) also get their temple/genealogy work done as well as magnify their (sometimes multiple) callings. Yep, maybe someday you and me will be able to do that! I guess it's easier when the kids are school age. Hang in there!

  2. after almost 41 years, I still haven't figured out how to be a supermom. I sometimes look back and wonder how I did it all, but I certainly had a lot of gaps in my achievement. Just pat yourself on the back and know that you are doing the best you can. That is good enough--take that from an old-timer.
