Friday, June 25, 2010

My New Best Friend

I have a new best friend. Who, you ask. Actually it's not a who- it's a what.


And why is baking soda my new best friend, let me tell you. Because I have a brand new house, I also have a brand new stove, right. But does my stove look brand new? Absolutely not! I am very good at making pots boil over and not very good at remembering to wipe it up as soon as dinner is over. So I have cooked on grease all over my stove and as hard as I scrub and as long as I let it soak, I can't get it off.

Well today I was flipping through this book that seriously came out in the eighties called "Today's Tips for Easy Living". My kids love the book because there are lots of fun crafts and food ideas that they want to try all the time. As we were flipping through today, I noticed there was a page with cleaning tips. I decided to glance through them to see if there was anything worth trying and guess what- BAKING SODA. They actually suggested using it for grease spots on pans, but I thought hey, if it works on pans maybe it will work on my stove. And it's a miracle- my stove looks new again and I didn't even have to scrub very hard.

So here's what I did. I squoze (if that's even a word) a little water out of a rag onto the stove top and then generously sprinkled baking soda on. The water and soda made a paste that I then used my rag to scrub around on the grease spots. They came off so easy. Anything to make cleaning easier tops my list, so thanks baking soda- I love you!

(I wonder if it will work on the soap scum on the bathroom sinks?)